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Hello, I'm Sulochana Eranda,
an AI Researcher
& Web Designer currently
based LK.

About Me

I'm the kind of person who isn't afraid of challenges.


"Sulochana Eranda is a passionate 17-year-old tech enthusiast from Sri Lanka. He is still a student of Kg/Pinnawala Central College(A/L). As a web developer, AI Researcher, and tech-based content creator, he's making strides in the digital world. He contributed to TechNews.LK and Android Wedakarayo, sharing his insights and love for technology. On Twitter, he engages with the tech community, sharing updates and thoughts. His dedication to learning and contributing to society is truly inspiring."

Education and Work

A Student Kg/Pinnawala C.C.
May 2018 - Present

I study in the A/L Maths stream at Pinnawala Central College, Rambukkana. An author
August 2022 - June 2023

I was an author on which is a website that doesn't provide articles in this period of time.

AndroidWedakarayo An author
August 2022 - June 2023

I worked for which is a famous tech related website in SriLanka. And I had to get away from that author title because I had to pay more attension on my studies.


An Explorer OF

"Compare yourself only to yourself. compete with others and improve yourself."

  • Artificial Intelligence

    Exploring the future of intelligent systems and automation.

  • Finance and Business

    Navigating the complex world of markets to drive growth and success.

  • Maths,Phy6,Chem

    Unraveling the logic and laws that govern the universe.

  • Grooming & Fashion

    Elevating style with confidence and self-care.

  • Entertainment

    Enjoying movies, music, and everything that inspires joy.

  • Sports

    Passion for football's excitement and cricket's strategy, where every game is a new adventure.

An individual of rare intellect and creativity, Sulochana is a beacon of innovation in the realm of AI/ML and beyond. Their passion for Physics, Chemistry, Music, and Business is not only inspiring but also infectious. Their website is a testament to their diverse interests and their ability to excel in each one of them. A true polymath in the digital age!

Author image Uvindu Rajapakshe Journalist, Personality

Who am I?

Just search my name on google

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